
Spastic Diplegia (Second Edition)

Lily Collison

Spastic diplegia is a very common subtype of cerebral palsy (CP), and CP itself is the most common cause of childhood-onset physical disability. An estimated 17 million people worldwide have CP. Spastic diplegia is also known as bilateral spastic CP or, simply, bilateral CP.

With spastic diplegia, the lower limbs are much more affected than the upper limbs, which frequently show only fine motor impairment. Now in its second edition, this practical guide addresses spastic diplegia across the lifespan and the evidence-based, best-practice treatments. It also includes the lived experience of families.

The writing of Spastic Diplegia was led by Lily Collison, MA, MSc, the parent of a son with spastic diplegia. The first edition of this book gave rise to the Gillette Children’s Healthcare Series, a series of books for families who are looking for clear, comprehensive information. Health care professionals, researchers, educators, students, and extended family members will also benefit from reading Spastic Diplegia.


Lily Collison MA, MSc


Jean Stout PT, MS

Amy Schulz PT, NCS

Candice Johnson, OTD, OTR/L

Tom F. Novacheck MD

What people are saying

“Every important aspect of spastic diplegia is addressed.” 

Professorial fellow, University of Melbourne; Honorary Consultant, The Royal Children’s Hospital, Australia

“A wonderful and thorough book.” 

Rehabilitation physician and senior researcher, Rijndam Rehabilitation and Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands

“This book is an indispensable resource.” 

Professor, University of Michigan Medical School; Parent of a teenager with CP, US

“I highly recommend this book for both families and clinicians.” 

Principal Research Fellow and Program Lead Early Detection and Early Intervention, Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Institute; Adjunct Associate Professor, Child and Adolescent Health, University of Sydney, Australia

“The second edition of Spastic Diplegia is just as powerful if not more so than the first edition. I recommend this book to those with spastic diplegia and their families. It should also be required reading for anyone who is considering working in the CP field. This book will leave a lasting impact.”

Student; Adult with spastic diplegia, US

“This book is an exceptional and comprehensive guide to understanding cerebral palsy in general and spastic diplegia in particular. It is a must-read for parents, caregivers, and family members of children and adults living with cerebral palsy. It covers a wide range of topics, including the causes, risk factors, diagnosis, classification, management, and treatment of the condition, in an informative and accessible manner. The inclusion of personal stories and tips from individuals and families living with spastic diplegia adds valuable insight into the lived experience of the condition. Overall, this book is an outstanding resource for families, medical professionals, and anyone seeking to gain a deeper understanding of spastic diplegia.”

Co-Director, Southern Family Center for Cerebral Palsy, Rady Children’s Hospital, San Diego; Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of California, San Diego, US

“This book is an invaluable resource for families, empowering them with the knowledge and understanding they need to navigate a cerebral palsy diagnosis, the care, and the future. It also serves as an essential guide for health care professionals, providing comprehensive information crucial for delivering quality cerebral palsy care. As an orthopedic surgeon, I highly recommend it to both parents and medical practitioners. It should be considered mandatory reading for anyone dedicated to improving outcomes for individuals with cerebral palsy."

Consultant Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon, Children’s Health Ireland

“This is an indispensable guidebook for navigating spastic diplegia, as it is written for families with the condition. It imparts a deep understanding of the medical science and treatment pathways, supported by comprehensive evidence-based references and information resources. The author’s generous sharing of her and her son’s journey, and those of many others, provides valuable sign-posting, hope, and inspiration for the reader.”

Parents of a son with spastic diplegia, Ireland

“This book is extremely well written. I have lived with spastic diplegia—bilateral cerebral palsy for almost 70 years, and yet I learned much from reading it. Each chapter focuses on a specific stage in the development of a person with spastic diplegic CP, from before birth to older adulthood. The author has done an excellent job of balancing the medical language and approach to addressing CP symptoms with the personal and family challenges associated with living with the condition. A particular strength of the book is the mother’s ongoing narrative as her son, Tommy, progresses from his postnatal CP diagnosis through puberty, adolescence, and young adulthood, including the challenges faced at each stage and the medical procedures that were chosen to address these challenges. It definitely humanizes the clinical approach to CP interventions. This is a must-read for every member of the CP community, including individuals with CP and their family and caregivers, as well as professionals.”

Research Professor, College of Engineering, Florida Atlantic University; Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science; Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering; Adult with spastic diplegia, US

“This book is truly indispensable for a deeper understanding of the medical complexity and management of bilateral spastic diplegia from infancy to teen to adult, with both reliable medical information and valuable personal perspectives. With knowledge, we can comprehend, and that allows us to make the best informed decisions at a given point in time. As a parent, I have always wanted to know what the providers know about CP, but without medical training that is impossible. But armed with this clear and concise guide, my son and I can be an important part of the care conversation. It also honors the people with cerebral palsy and their caregivers by sharing their voices and wisdom. Brava to Lily Collison and the Gillette team for bringing this second edition to fruition!"

Parent of a young adult with spastic diplegia

“This extremely useful resource for people with spastic diplegia and their families digests the current state-of-the-art care for children and adults in an organized and accessible format. The personal stories that accompany each section are poignant and informative. The book will be a great companion before and after medical visits as care decisions are being considered.”

Director, Complex Health Care, Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Nationwide Children’s Hospital; Professor of Pediatrics, The Ohio State University; US

Email Lina Abdennabi, Press Coordinator:
