Creating greater understanding of complex medical conditions

Improving Quality of Life for Individuals with Cerebral Palsy through Treatment of Gait Impairment (Mac Keith)

Edited by Tom F. Novacheck, MD and Michael H Schwartz, PhD

A useful resource for orthopaedic surgeons, physiatrists, physical therapists, kinesiologists, gait analysis experts, and other members of the interdisciplinary team involved in the identification and treatment of mobility impairments in children and young adults diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

Tom F. Novacheck, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon and Associate Medical Director, Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare, Director of Clinical Research, Center for Gait and Motion Analysis; Professor, Dept of Orthopedics, Univ of Minnesota

Dr. Novacheck is a pediatric orthopaedic surgeon who specializes in treating cerebral palsy and other complex pediatric orthopaedic conditions.  He has been at Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare in St. Paul, MN, USA since 1991 after completing his pediatric orthopaedic fellowship at Newington Children’s Hospital in Connecticut. At Gillette Children’s, he is an Associate Medical Director, Director of Clinical Research in the Center for Gait and Motion Analysis, and immediate past Chief of Staff.  He is a Professor in the Department of Orthopedics at the University of Minnesota.  Dr. Novacheck's research has focused primarily on outcomes studies of management of gait disorders in individuals with cerebral palsy and the improvement and development of motion analysis testing methods.  Educational activities for residents, fellows, and health care professionals are focused primarily on normal walking and running gait, as well as pathological gait, particularly cerebral palsy.  He has been a member of the teaching faculty of the annual international gait interpretation course since 1991. He is currently serving as the 1st Vice President of the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine.

Michael H Schwartz, PhD, Director of Bioengineering Research, Center for Gait and Motion Analysis Professor, Dept of Orthopedics, Univ of Minnesota.

Dr. Schwartz is a research scientist who specializes in understanding human movement, its impairments, and treatments. He specializes in the gait of children with cerebral palsy.  He has been at Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare in St. Paul, MN, USA since 1997 after completing a Ph.D. in Mechanics and an NIH post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Minnesota. At Gillette Children’s, he is Director of Bioengineering Research.  He is a Professor in the Department of Orthopedics at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Schwartz has over 100 peer-reviewed publications and an h-index of 49.

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